7 November 2011

75PoWriMo - X

memories can distract you from the moment

on late night quiz tv i once saw
     a woman in a squirrel outfit hit a pinata with a sword
when i was maybe 6 i won a playground fight
     by getting my mate stuck in a bin
i once saw chico on a train.
     i pointed and laughed. good times
i once slept for 32 straight hours.
     is it weird to envy your former self?
i once ate the most delicious bowl of prawns
     in a cuban restaurant in east berlin
i once pulled a girl by pouring lemonade over her head.
     i was 14 ... and unattractive
i once bought an argent album on tape for 20p
     - when i listened to it i felt ripped off
i had a friend when i was 17
     who kept b&w photos of the poll tax riots in her locker
i once got goosed by a stranger
     on a school trip to the barbican
in 1996 i got so sunburnt
     my shoulders were oozing pus for a week
i once shattered a maraca
     because i preferred the sound of it hitting the floor
"i'm a pacifist
     prepared to make exceptions for myself"
i spent hours painting stripes of blue & black lipstick
     smudged on the first pintglass
i once threw away a poster of val ium
     to prove to my gf i fancied her more (i didn't)
i spent my 22nd birthday sat alone in a dark house
     eating cheese toasties
i used to amuse myself by singing smiths songs
     in the style of type o negative
on gcse results day i got up early
     and had left the school before anyone else arrived
i used to do tweets ending
     "- memories can distract you from the moment"

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