16 November 2011

Stats - Day 16

poems written = 41
poems written per day = 2.5625

poems remaining = 34
required poems per day = 2.4286

not only have i stumbled past the half-written mark, i have somehow managed to end up ever-so-slightly ahead of schedule

75PoWriMo - XLI


a quick one
can be satisfactory
but always suspect
you've been a disappointment
(more than usual)

75PoWriMo - XL

i might be slightly high on the fumes of cleaning products

even for a moment
you're convinced
that you see your own breath
pouring forth in dayglo streams
like the tiny rainbows on pavement oilslicks
dancing round the kitchen as it diffuses
it may be time
for some fresh air

75PoWriMo - XXXIX

my four step plan

i used to have a plan
a four step plan
i wrote it down
on every surface
i could find
inscribed on almost
everything i owned
set out thusly:
     i)   form a band
     ii)  learn a chord
     iii) write a song
     iv)  change the world
i even wrote a song
to which these steps
repeated mantra-like
formed the chorus
i believed in the plan
the plan was clear
and clearly right
it set out my path
defined my direction
and was my justification
for every one of my
questionable choices

steps one to three
are deceptive
appearing as they do
to be so straightforward
but i was never able
to perform them
to the prerequisite standard
to make the fourth possible


you might be staring into her eyes and clutching her hands but you don't seem to have noticed that she's clearly not that into you

clear-glazed raybans
unusual piercings
immaculate scruffy-blond-hitler hair
pinstriped blazer
tatty knitwear
deep-blue implausibly skinny jeans
you probably imagine yourself
to be a delightful contradiction
but nobody loves a hipster