22 November 2011

Stats - Day 22

poems written = 54
poems written per day = 2.4545
poems remaining = 21
required poems per day = 2.625

75PoWriMo - LIV

well i never did

i've never played a cello
i've never read hello
i've never under-analysed the works of aa milne
i've never won a race
i've never been to space
chances are i've never seen your favourite film
i've never won a toga
i've never tried to yoga
i've never saved much money through attempts at haggling
i've never prayed to zeus
i've never finished proust
in fact i've never even eaten a madeleine
i've never been to lords
i've never been adored
i've never impressed people when i've met them
i've never kept control
i've never reached my goals
though that's because i've never really set them

75PoWriMo - LIII

don't end up like a superdisk

unopened unused
unneeded unappreciated
you met your obsolescence
in mint condition
lost at the back of a cupboard

75PoWriMo - LII


i remember
          knowing your family
     before you existed
i remember
     you as a tiny child
          wailing for an entire holiday
i remember
          the summer of 95
     you were there, small
               but peripheral
                    (i was at a self-involved age)

and now i am informed
     you are a fully adult person
          following me on the twitter?

     this morning
i feel so very old