5 November 2011

Stats - Day 5

poems written = 8
poems written per day = 1.6

poems remaining = 67
required poems per day = 2.68

75PoWriMo - VIII

the destination of dreams

moments only my mind can move
when weighed with worries
and trapped by the trappings
i seep away
creep away
deep into the hinterland
hinted at by the perceptible
beyond the boundaries of the bodily
into the uncharted terrain
i create for my own diversion
a landscape that cannot be seen
     even with my mind's eye
a form that cannot be felt
     even with the fingers of my faculties
an earth that exists
     only in the imaginings of my ears
an auditory utopia
the soundscape of my sentience
populated by the nonsense
of fragments of fascination
removed from their own environments
and reformed into an evolving collage
pulsing and swirling
describing and destroying
sketching and smearing
ebbing ebulliently
structuring the scenery of my subconscious
leading me through the labyrinth
until i'm lost
in my own static

75PoWriMo - VII


i'm going to admit what everybody daren't
i'm not a very good parent

of course there's an inference
of a certain level of competence
from the fact my kids have never suffered
a major catastrophe
or significant injury
though that's mainly due to their mother
and i suppose it's not a given
i've never been abusive with them
but that hardly seems like a boast
and my best attempts at care
mostly end in despair
(i'm not sure for which of us most)

at least i know they've never been short of love
which is something, even if it's not enough