2 November 2011

Stats - Day 2

poems written = 4
poems written per day = 2

poems remaining = 71

required poems per day = 2.5357

75PoWriMo - IV


to understand this moment
you really need to know the backstory
the parade of preceding moments
see the cause,
        and the cause of the cause
the continuous countdown
but the same is true
for every one of those antecedents
until the second second of existence

to appreciate this picture
you really need to see past it
move the margins
see the background,
        and the background to the background
the profuse panorama
but the same is true
for every one of those scenes
until the edge of the edge of everything


the scale of the infinite
reduces the definite
to the infinitesimal
the context to the context to the context to the context
decontextualises the context to the context
until the moment goes missing in the massiveness


imply the extrapolation
focus on the features
revel in the reality
relish the now

love every second for being itself

ironically, this poem is far too general and non-specific

75PoWriMo - III

a truth which i learned repeatedly

when you wear your heart
-shaped scars under green sleeves of
army surplus shirts

when you paint your face
bordering your eyes until
noone looks inside

when you choose to live
where fans pilgrimage as they
emulate idols

nobody believes
you've never heard albums by
manic street preachers