29 November 2011

75PoWriMo - LXXII

the girl

i have this little sister
            she is small and very funny

she was my childhood accomplice
   and scapegoat
      and stooge
         and companion
            and opponent
               and ally
                  and victim
                     and confidante
                        and assistant
                           and substitute
                              and buffer-zone
                                 and co-conspiritor
sometimes i think it must have been hard for her

you know, what with her being
the talented one
   and the popular one
      and the outgoing one
         and the sensible one
            and the mature one
               and the smart one
                  and the attractive one
                     and the useful one
                        and the friendly one
                           and the versatile one
                              and the driven one
                                 and the together one
                                    and the good one
                                       and the likeable one
and the one who makes the kind of choices
      that aren't constantly being called into question
my life wouldn't have been the same
      without her in it
            and probably worse


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