18 August 2011

i need your help / preparatory work

some of you may remember my 50PoWriMo blog from last november.
through whatever foolhardiness i have made it my goal to improve on this (at least numerically) by 50% and have thus created this 75PoWriMo blog.

i am launching it today because,
  1. unless my maths have let me down, there are 75 days to go until the start of november which provides a tenuous link to the name of the blog
  2. this gives me plenty of time to repeat the following cry for help
"a cry for help?" i hear you say - where you are entirely a narrative construct "how can i help you in some way that doesn't take much effort on my part?" (you lazy, lazy narrative device, you)

the thing is, doing the 50PoWriMo was hard, and the most time-consuming part of it was coming up with things to write about. coming up with even more things that aren't the same as the last things is going to be harder still. please could you donate me some subjects, or some titles or both. anything will do. please could you link, RT and generally pimp this around a bit for me. i'd love to have collected a bank of them before i start. think of it as commissioning an artwork, or being a muse or however you'd like to frame it that most makes it seem like a good idea. you'll get a thank/credit for what that's worth.
comment on this post, drop me an @ on the twitter, run up to me in the street with your suggestion scrawled in wax crayon on the back of a bus ticket or any other method you see fit.

"why," you respond - back in your role as narrative device, "that really doesn't sound like it would take very much effort at all. i would be glad to help you"
