9 November 2011

Stats - Day 9

poems written = 16
poems written per day = 1.7778

poems remaining = 59
required poems per day = 2.8095

75PoWriMo - XVI

in the end

when i die
i would like all the people
who love me
to mourn for a moment
the briefest of bereavements
and then get on with
living happily

when i die
i would like all the people
who never loved me
to mourn their mistake
to realise retrospectively
to wish they had the chance
to start over with me
and then get on with
living better

75PoWriMo - XV

to the cheap looking girl in the cheap looking clothes

when i think of the far-eastern factory worker
     hunched over a needle,
          calloused fingers flying
when i think of the thousands of miles travelled
     by laden container ships
          over ocean expanses
when i think of the false-smiled shop staff
     whose rights are casually eroded
          whilst their souls are gently crushed
when i think of all the effort
     the world has gone to
          in order for you
               to look
i want to hold you up
     and scream into the ears
          of the public consciousness
was it worth it?
was it worth it?
was it really worth it?

75PoWriMo - XIV

transpontine panorama

rose-tinted skies
turning towerblocks
into crisp dark rectangles
sharp, silent silhouettes
adding a brutal elegance
to my transpontine homeland
constructs of definition
surrounded by trees
whose semi-shed shabbiness
lends a scruffy softening
to the sunset skyline