1 November 2011

Stats - Day 1

poems written = 2
poems written per day = 2

poems remaining = 73

required poems per day = 2.5172

75PoWriMo - II

a sad parable

out of my plastic coffee cup
emerged a man composed of steam
his wispy arms were lifted up
his features framed a silent scream
although presumed ephemeral
an intangible nothingness
just to oppugn my lemma all
his form began to coalesce
this new corporeality
enabled him to gravitate
til standing firm in front of me
he cleared his throat as to orate
alas, although he spoke, his voice
was out of auditory range
and merely propelled puffs of moist
fog vapours. his demeanour changed.
frustrated he could not be heard
he frantically gesticulated
but still could not be deciphered
before he dissipated

75PoWriMo - I

midnight countdown

five background hums shift in pitch
four identical rectangles glow in a row
three hands reach their simultaneous zenith
two days mark their imperceptible abutment at
one arbitrarily prescribed moment

yes it's a gentle start, but it's a start.