8 November 2011

Stats - Day 8

poems written = 13
poems written per day = 1.625

poems remaining = 62
required poems per day = 2.8182

75PoWriMo - XIII

unfinished patchwork

i make so many promises
to myself but i break them all
the path i plot is littered
strewn with scraps of every plan
that has failed to reach fruition
that i've had to let fall
as i'm struggling to juggle
i don't know how it began
but i can't work out how to end it
as it continues to snowball
knitted from frayed scraps of thread
unravel me if you can

75PoWriMo - XII

another fellow passenger

there is only one other
visible in this train carriage
whose owner
is copying into it
from a blackberry
inputten them
into an iphone

75PoWriMo - XI

a fellow passenger

i'm trying to read your wrist
without you seeing me seeing
as your billowing cuffs expose
runic inked transliteration
each clench of your fist
stretching skin and skewing
as you fingers close
i believe you spelled "transition"